Glory Of The Dragon Soul Raider
GLORY OF THE DRAGON SOUL RAIDER. Selfplay 0 $ Add to cart. Description — You will get Glory of the Dragon Soul Raider meta achievement; — You will get the.
I spent the last week thinking I had to do heroic Spine and Madness in order to get the meta but just looked it up and found out you only have to kill the first 6 bosses on heroic for the meta.
Ping Pong Champion Wow Solo
DraconisAerius의 댓글With regards to the Yor'Sajh achievement, Red+Green don't just 'happen' generally, unless you let it, since for Red you are supposed to stack up and Green you are supposed to spread out. Black + Yellow is one we deal with all the time on heroic mode, and it's pretty simple. The only time it's trouble is if you have purple at the same time, but even then it's no big deal.For Holding Hands, an alternate stratagy is to form a U shape between the last two, with the last person getting into position being the one who begins the link so you can be assured everyone is in the correct position.Also for Impale on heroic madness, it's base damage is not actually over 1 mill.

With no cd's up or any other defensive measures (if you don't count the damage reduction of armor) they hit for 400,000. As a DK tank I can take an impale with only Bone Shield up and survive so long as I have Alexstrazas 20% health buff.
Chromatic Champion Achievement Solo
Rrrof711의 댓글I just wanted to add this stratagem to a few places to make life easier for anyone who plans to do this raid solo (Specifically, the Spine of Deathwing fight). This is a paraphrase from another comment from lapdragon who got it from kulisek.1) Kill 3 tentacles2) camp in one of the tentacles holes (and make sure you have the tendrils buff) until you have at least 9 bloods attacking you - make sure to turn off your autoattack so you don't unnecessarily kill any of the bloods.
Although, if you tend to have trouble it may be necessary to kill 1 blood to get the buff to resist fire damage.3) Once you have 9 bloods, kill the final tentacle and start running left and right across his spine to keep resetting the Roll countdown, the bloods will follow you and the Amalgamation will eventually hone in on your position. Use an area of effect ability to kill all the bloods without killing the amalgam, and have the amalgam follow you over the fiery blood orbs until his counter says 9 next to the amalgam's target character icon.
Then kill the amalg as quickly as you can making sure to run between the left and right side so the amalgam doesn't get rolled off prior to knocking the plate up.4) Finally, kill the Tendon thing that is keeping the next spine plate on his back so the plate will fly off, and then repeat till you get the last plate and you win the fight!This works best if you are at least lvl 100 with hopefully ilvl 720 or higher. I did this following these steps and was able to complete the chieve at the same time. If you have trouble try taking out less of the tentacles at first or gear up. Supposedly, this fight gets much harder if you have more than 1 person doing it which from my experience is very true. I tried this Raid with a small group of new guildies and the person who took us knew what he was doing but it was horrible because no one else knew what to do and it is very difficult with a non-cohesive team.
Probably the worst boss mechanic of the entire game.This works as of 7.1.5 Legion 기여.
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