How Does A Vocoder Work

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  1. Vocoder Effect

Introduction to Vocoders. A vocoder needs two inputs to function properly. A ‘carrier’ wave, and a ‘modulator’ input. The carrier is the sound you want to vocode through, and the modulator is your voice. The modulator takes your voice, finds the fundamental frequencies (important bits) of it, and converts them into levels of amplitude on a series.

Back on the TV schedule for the autumn, the singing competition programme The X Factor was criticised last year after it emerged that the contestants’ voices were being altered via Auto-Tune.Producer Simon Cowell subsequently banned any further use of the technology on the show.But how does audio signal processing help to make singers’ voices sound better? What would you do if I sang out of tune?Few singers are perfect. Sometimes, the pitch of their vocal slightly misses the exact note they’re trying to hit.If they are a little out of tune, the vocal track can still be rescued – or ruined, depending on your point of view – with a little help from the science of signal processing.The pitch of a note is dependent on the frequency of the sound wave produced – the A above middle C is usually defined as 440 Hz. Therefore manipulating the frequency can produce a different note, or hit an exact note from a noise that is slightly off-key.Musical scales are divided into 12 pitches each separated by a semitone – the difference in note between two adjacent keys on a piano or frets on a guitar neck. The green line is the continuous analogue signal.

The blue dots are the points at which it is sampled.These digital signals can be altered so that a sound produces the correct musical note by using a phase vocoder.This works by first changing the duration of the sound without altering its frequency, and then changing the frequency to both hit the correct pitch and restore the original duration.The name comes from its use of the signal’s to manipulate the signal in the desired way.It breaks an audio signal down into many small, overlapping frames and then changes the spacing of those frames to change the total duration of the sound. In practice, this is a complicated task that requires the use of the advanced maths of to convert the signal into a form that can be manipulated in this way.The sound is then resampled to take it back to its original duration and hit the desired note.As, if the aim was to double the frequency then this would be as easy as picking one out of every two samples and constructing a waveform from those. But to fit the signal back into its original length when not scaling by an integer, is used to determine which bits of the sample should go at which points.For imperfect singers to remain perfectly in key, we have this piece of maths and physics to thank – or to blame.

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Missed that high note? With Auto-Tune, that's OK.

Vocoder Effect

Like a spellcheckeror photo editing software can save us from our mistakes, the audioprogram Auto-Tune can correct a singer's bad notes and wavering pitch.Although the program is best known for the singing-through-a-fan,robotic vocal style that has dominated pop radio in recent years withstars like Lady Gaga, T-Pain and countless others, Auto-Tune is in factwidely used in the studio and at concerts to make artists'.' Quite frankly, use of Auto-Tune happens on almost all vocalperformances you hear on the radio,' said Marco Alpert, vice presidentof marketing for Antares Audio Technologies, the company that holds thetrademark and patent for Auto-Tune.The beauty of Auto-Tune, Alpert said, is that instead of an artisthaving to sing take after take, struggling to get through a songflawlessly, Auto-Tune can clean up small goofs.' It used to be that singers would have to sing a song over and over,and by that time you've lost the emotional content of the performance,'Alpert said. 'Auto-Tune is used most often for an artist who hasdelivered a and there may be a few pitch problems here and there.


the software can save a once-in-a-lifetime performance.' How it worksAuto-Tune users set a reference point – a scale or specific notes,for example – and a rate at which derivations from this point will bedigitally corrected.This rate can be carefully calibrated so a voice sounds 'natural,'by tacking the voice smoothly back to the reference pitch. Or, artistscan make the correction happen quickly and artificially, which resultsin the warbling, digitized voices now all the rage in pop, hip-hip,reggae and other types of music.Auto-Tune's invention sprung from a quite unrelated field:prospecting for oil underground using sound waves. Andy Hildebrand, ageophysicist who worked with Exxon, came up with a technique calledautocorrelation to interpret these waves. Adam Hadhazy,Adam Hadhazy is a contributing writer for Live Science and He often writes about physics, psychology, animal behavior and story topics in general that explore the blurring line between today's science fiction and tomorrow's science fact. Adam has a Master of Arts degree from the Arthur L.

Carter Journalism Institute at New York University and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Boston College. When not squeezing in reruns of Star Trek, Adam likes hurling a Frisbee or dining on spicy food. You can check out more of his work at

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