Payday 2 Best Stealth Build

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We'll do a plain vanilla techforcer build: a hybrid between the enforcer and the technician, with some additional points spent into ghost.Highlights of this built:. Heavy armor, reinforced by technician perks, with the speed to move it around with perks from Ghost. Excellent with shotguns, good with rifles. Handy in a support situation, with both C4 and a saw available. Some stealth perks to remain useful during those quieter runs. It's not going to drive the stealth run, but won't get in the way.Onto the build itself:Enforcer.

Payday 2 skills - stealth & loud + cook off build: 2017-05-26: PAYDAY 2 - MONEY GLITCH / PS4 / XBOX / PC ( novo ) 2017-05-23: PAYDAY 2 PS4 PRO 1920x1080 BIG SCORE: 2017-05-16: Get Inside the FWB Vault PAYDAY 2 BANK GLITCH: 2017-05-12: PAYDAY 2 XP GLITCH SOLO PS4 (xp patched afther update but computer still glitched) 2017-05-09. Hello fellow heisters, both new and old! This guide is meant to showcase the BEST stealth build to use when you wanna go all sneaky-beaky like. It covers EVERYTHING that you might need in a stealth heist, including saws, drill times, sensor (trip) mines, and making guards, when marked (shouting F at them), red.

Transporter: AcedAlmost all heists require some form of bag movement, thus each point in these skills are heavily used. Throwing bags is critical for heists like Watchdogs, for getting bags over the fences.Die Hard: AcedTaken only to get the +15% armor recovery.Underdog: AcedTaken for the 15% damage reduction. This is useful when in bank lobbies full of SWATs and shields.Shotgun impact: AcedAced for +35% shotgun damage, which we will be using a lot of.Stun resistance: AcedFlashbangs are a good way to get killed.

This won't stop them from affecting you, but it will make them much more manageable.Tough guy: OwnedAdditional leftover point. Shake resistance is acceptable. This point may be placed elsewhere.Shotgun CQB: Owned50% shotgun reload is crucial for a shotgun based build. We don't, however, need steel sight speed - and not for 8 points.Ammunition specialist: AcedI think every team member should be able to bring at least one 'best additional item' (best medic bag, best ammo bag, C4, etc) - this is one. We will need this for the saw, and for our wasteful use of shotgun ammo.Saw: OwnedWe pick this up for 4 points, with no specializations.

It makes it a weak saw, not pleasant to use - but it checks it off the list if we absolutely need one.Overkill: OwnedThis is a contentious skill: The argument against is that +75% damage on a already powerful weapon becomes, well, overkill - and thus wasted. The argument for would be that for 4 skill points, you save the Izhma 12G shotgun from being mediocre, and make it actually a useful, hard hitting item.Iron man: OwnedFor 4 skill points, it's well worth picking up a new armor type.Technician. 50 points spent. Allows C4 usage, a critical part of loud heists. Picks up all tier bonuses, and bulletproof. No sentry guns.Rifeman: AcedWe're not going to spend anything on sentry guns or any non-gameplay specific talents (like mask & weapon crafting).

Best Stealth Dodge Build Payday 2

We also really just want C4, but we'll pick up some demolitions later. The rest of the points will go into rifle skills - which aren't a bad deal.Demolition Man: AcedWe need to spend at least 1 point here to avoid picking up other, less desirable skills. We ace it, optionally, to make trip mines more usable outside of C4. We could trade 3 points here for Nerves of Steel aced - but using steelsight in bleedout isn't terribly useful.Nerves of Steel: OwnedOne of the best single point talents ever.

50% damage reduction while interacting is amazing for helping people back up - with ICTV and bulletproof, and this, you can practically do it standing in the middle of a SWATs and take the damage. Well worth it. However, the aced version, with using steelsight in bleedout - not nearly as useful - and for 3 points. We'll save for demolition man.Sharpshooter: AcedAlso a trade off to spend nothing on sentry or non-gameplay skills. These rifle skills are also useful for the shotgun usage from the enforcer tree.Hardware expert: AcedDrilling is a fact of life.

These are bread & butter drilling skills. Also, since we are eschewing sentry or mines, this is the only place left for points.Drill Sargeant: AcedSame as hardware expert: we need to dump points to get up the tree. It's also very useful, so not a bad deal.Blast radius: AcedA tough deal: We need to spend points to go up the tree. We don't really want to use trip mines all that often. We could trade this for Silent Drilling, but that might be even less useful.Shaped Charge: AcedVery simple, we want C4, and so we must spend 12 points here.Bulletproof: OwnedWe're going to Iron Man in the Enforcer tree for the extra heavy armor - this will make it shine even more.Ghost.

20 points spent. Goal is to get to Tier 4 bonus: 25% less reduction to movement due to armor. We need this with the Iron Man suit for Enforcer. Pick up as many movement skills as possible, along with skills that allow us to at least be effective in a stealth run.Sprinter: AcedMovement skill - required. Aced version for more sprint speed, important with heavy armor.Fast Hands: AcedA loot movement skill.

A large part of the game is spent looting and moving items - this is a crucial skill for making you faster for those.Chameleon: OwnedThis is a point dump (1 point) - spent so we can hit 20, for the tier 4 bonus. It may be very useful, still, given that we will be walking around with heavy armor and heavy weapons - more concealment must be better.Cleaner: AcedBagging corpses allows up to play with stealth missions without being totally ineffective.Shinobi: AcedAnother movement skill, coupled with a good stealth skill. We become faster with heavy armor, and also can do basic stealth work.Martial Arts: OwnedThis is a point sink: we have to spend 20 points to get to tier 4 bonuses. Optionally, SMG specialist would work. This seems useful though, since we melee more than need reload speed on an SMG.

Contents PAYDAY: The HeistCasing mode is implemented to a certain degree in PAYDAY: The Heist, as several heists will begin with the players in this state to allow for quick map scouting before beginning. Unless bumping into, or standing too close to a guard, the heisters cannot be detected. As there is little stealth involved, almost every heist in the first game will go loud once a player leaves casing mode.

Payday 2 Best Stealth Build 2018

All players will leave casing mode at the same time.A large number of civilians dot the maps, most usually in heists where stealth is the main approach where they pose hindrances to the crew by way of detection. Unlike guards and cameras, civilians cannot detect a player in casing mode, though will quickly panic at the earliest sight of one with a mask on and weapons out, and cannot be pacified if fully alerted.

Panicking civilians will usually either seek out the nearest viable panic button, call the police, or simply run outside the map boundaries where an alarm will inevitably be raised. Players may at civilians to intimidate them and get them to lie on the ground. A shout is a multipurpose action that both players and AI teammates can perform. It is done by pressing the same button used for interactions.

Payday 2 Best Stealth Build

This temporarily gets them to stay down in one spot, keeping them out of the line of fire or delaying their attempts at contacting the police, though if not kept a close eye on they will eventually rise up again and resume their phone call(s) or race towards the nearest source of alarm. Civilians on the ground can be restrained with cable ties to render them immobile until freed by the police. The amount of tied hostages is displayed on the bottom of the screen.Heisters are discouraged from killing civilians; killing a civilian will deduct funds from the heist payout.All players originally start out with 2 cable ties but it is possible to get more by getting the respective upgrade(s). This is done by investing in the.Some tips to hold in mind when stealthing;. The importance of cable ties is dependent on the mission. Although cable ties are of limited quantity, saving them up is also completely useless as they do not give any benefit when kept in inventory until the end.Cable-tied civilians on the No Mercy heist, where doing such is crucial.Cable ties are very important in or as civilians who are tied down cannot get up to escape or trigger the alarm, while in or they are less useful as there are fewer civilians. DronesHostile drones were first encountered in.

They are still classified as security cameras but with major differences. Due to the fact they hover in midair, camera loop cannot be applied to them. They have a greater detection range and can travel around the trainyard. On Mayhem, they are upgraded with a Titan camera variant, making their cameras indestructible.A distinctive audio cue will be heard when a drone is 'charging' up, alongside with the red light shining on the ground. After a few seconds, the drone will emit a white light and its camera will then become active.

Drones will not stay indefinitely on however, as after a set amount of time, a drone will turn off and retreat back to its original position. While shooting at a drone on Overkill and lower difficulties will destroy the camera, guards may be alerted when they see a broken drone. As such, the only other defenses against them are to jam drones with an ECM jammer or wait until they move.Avoiding and dealing with camerasCameras can be destroyed on any difficulty below Mayhem by simply shooting them once, preferably with a silenced weapon, or using a melee or quiet throwable weapon on them. However, any that spots a broken camera will become alerted and attempt to raise the alarm; thus, it is advisable to dispose of any guards that might still be roaming around the area in which the camera has been destroyed. Broken cameras are completely disabled and will not detect anything.On some heists, breaking a camera might cause the camera operator to send a guard to investigate. This will happen immediately after destroying the camera and can be anticipated by looking for guards that use their in-ear headsets, and listening for nearby radio chatter. This can be exploited by clever heisters to lure guards away from their usual patrol by destroying a camera in a remote place and waiting for the guard to come investigate.

Security guards that are sent to investigate destroyed cameras will do one of two things: they will either become suspicious, draw their weapon and attempt to sound the alarm; or more rarely, walk up to the camera, try waving at it and then leave it alone, assuming it to be a technical fault. If the guard becomes suspicious, then even if that guard is dealt with, other guards in the future will also become suspicious when they see it.

However, if they suspect nothing, then other guards will also ignore the broken camera, should they pass by it. Civilians and gangsters are never alerted by broken cameras, and so on some heists such as, players can pick off cameras near civilians without arousing any suspicion, provided no guards or other cameras notice the destroyed camera.The security room in, along with its late operatorCertain heists also include a security room, usually locked behind a very resistant but can sometimes be locked behind a simple metal door (e.g.


) or even completely exposed (e.g. Once inside, players can disable all cameras on the map by killing or otherwise incapacitating the camera operator, who is usually a guard.After eliminating the camera operator, players will now have access to the camera feed from inside the security room, which can be used to spot guards or civilians/objects of interest.Though the cameras themselves do not move and have a fixed field of view, the player looking through a camera may pan with the mouse and zoom with the forward and backward movement keys ('W' and 'S'). When a player looks through a camera, guards and items of interest within the camera's view (whether or not they are visible in the player's view through the camera) will immediately be highlighted for several seconds for all players to see.A player using the camera feed cannot see their own HUD. Thus, if one only uses cameras to highlight guards and objects, it is more advisable to enter camera feed view mode, quickly 'flip' through all the cameras and exit, then repeat whenever the highlight fades.

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This will allow them to keep an eye on their environment in case a guard or civilian show up. Players can still use the in-game chat when operating the camera feed.Note that however, any cameras that have been destroyed prior to that will still get spotted by guards and prompt them to sound alarms. Additionally, if a camera has been fully alerted prior to taking the operator down, killing him or destroying the camera afterwards will not stop the alarm from going off.Guards will not be sent to investigate any additional destroyed cameras once the camera operator has been taken care of. As such, it is advised to use any available camera lure before doing so in order to thin the guards' numbers as much as possible.Players with can temporarily disable cameras for 25 seconds by walking up close and applying the loop. Only one camera per crew can be looped at a time. Looped cameras will not raise any suspicion if spotted by guards or civilians and can be identified by their cyan outline, which will begin to blink and play an audible beeping noise when the loop is ending.

Additionally, placing an will disable all cameras for the duration of the jam. Because of this, having at least one Ghost in the crew can be highly beneficial when attempting a difficult stealth heist.Detection riskYour detection risk, which is determined by the concealment of your equipment, can be simply described as the level at which your detection meter starts when you are first spotted.

However, other factors are involved in calculating rate of detection, namely the distance and angle from the observer to the player and the type of observer. Detection risk ranges from 3 to 75. Once the player's detection risk reaches 3, continuing to increase concealment will not further decrease the detection risk. Conversely, once the player's detection risk reaches 75, continuing to decrease concealment will not further increase detection risk.Regardless of whether the player is being spotted by a camera or person, the rate of the increase of the detection meter is determined by the player's distance and angle relative to the observer. Players or objects close to and directly in front of an observer are detected more quickly than those far away from and at wide angles to the observer.

Once the meter reaches 100%, the player will be detected and this usually results in an alarm trigger unless the person or device which detected the player is neutralized. In the case of cameras, once the meter reaches 100%, the camera cannot be neutralized. Main article:A large number of civilians dot the maps, most usually in heists where stealth is the main approach where they pose hindrances to the crew by way of detection. Unlike guards and cameras, civilians cannot detect a player in casing mode, though will quickly panic at the earliest sight of one with a mask on and weapons out, and cannot be pacified if fully alerted.

Panicking civilians will usually either seek out the nearest viable panic button, call the police, or simply run outside the map boundaries where an alarm will inevitably be raised.Players may at civilians to intimidate them and get them to lie on the ground, or produce any kind of noise if they have which gives the same result. This temporarily gets them to stay down in one spot, keeping them out of the line of fire or delaying their attempts at contacting the police, though if not kept a close eye on they will eventually rise up again and resume their phone call(s) or race towards the nearest source of alarm. Civilians on the ground can be restrained with cable ties to render them immobile until moved by the players.The players are discouraged from killing civilians; killing a civilian will immediately deduct funds from the killer's spending cash (regardless of whether the heist is completed).Cable ties are used to take civilians hostage. When civilians are to lie down, a player can use cable ties to tie them up. This stops the from running away, possibly alarming the police.All players originally start out with 2 cable ties but it is possible to get more by getting the respective upgrade. This is done by the Forced Friendship skill. When a civilian is tied, they will be unable to alert the police and unable to move, and must wait for a police officer to free them.

A number in the top right of the screen will show the number of cable-tied hostages the crew has secured. Maximizing the number of cable-tied hostages will prevent them from triggering an alarm by cellphone calls or panic buttons while stealthing.Cable Guy used to grant 8 cableties before patches reduced it to 4Cable-tied civilians can still be moved around by interacting with them, thus enabling the crew to reposition them in an area where law enforcers will have a hard time getting to in order to prevent them from being rescued, or simply to move them out of the line of fire/hot zones where accidental civilian casualties can occur.

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